Everything we have come to recognize and associate with a pawn shop has gotten a prawn-themed makeover. But wait, what kind of collateral do you need to secure a moment longer in this dream? Something everyone has… time. You give us your time and we loan you a glimpse at this prawn paradise. You look around...a resin pour counter...with prawns! A guitar on the wall...with a silicone prawn body. A stack of TVs all playing glitch visual feedback with shrimp overlay. Gold chains, oh wait they are pink, with shrimp pendants! All the little knickknacks and treasures you’d expect in a pawn shop but with their own special prawn twist. The Prawn Shop is a maximalist dream of silly delight. It's consuming, it's whimsical, it's joyous and goofy. You want to take pictures. You want to stay forever…you want to play… “Spin the Shrimp”?? You play…you win! Then we rejoice into a dance party as our shrimp-themed music comes on.

The Prawn Shop has been set up as an installation, a pop-up happy hour (serving pink drinks and shrimp cocktails) and as a stage set.


Lady Bullion's Hot Brothel


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